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Thursday, August 27, 2020
OpenMP Based Fast Data Searching with Multithreading
OpenMP Based Fast Data Searching with Multithreading V.Karthikeyan, Dr. S.Ravi and S.Flora Magdalene Conceptual The multiprocessor centers with multithreaded ability are proceeding to increase a critical offer and offer superior. The utilization of OpenMP applications on two equal structures can recognize building bottlenecks and presents significant level of asset partaking in multithreading execution complexities. A versatile run-time instrument gives extra yet restricted execution enhancements for multithreading and is boosted the productivity of OpenMP multithreading as required by the runtime condition and the programming interface. This paper handles the assignment of information looking through effectively and a similar investigation of execution with and without OpenMP is made. Exploratory outcome shows quickened execution over the current techniques as far as different execution measures. Watchwords: OpenMP (Open Multi Processing), Multithreading, Fast Data Searching, Multicore Presentation OpenMP is a received common memory equal programming interface giving significant level programming builds that empower the client to effectively uncover an application undertaking and circle level parallelism. The scope of OpenMP relevance is essentially reached out by the expansion of express entrusting features.OpenMP is utilized for upgraded versatility calculation, where a powerful outstanding burden dissemination strategy is utilized for acceptable burden adjusting. Be that as it may, the hunt arrange engaged with the Viterbi bar search is accounted for by [5] statically parceled into autonomous subtrees to decrease memory synchronization overhead. It improves the presentation of an outstanding burden prescient string task methodology and a bogus store line sharing anticipation strategy is required. OpenMP is an assortment of compiler orders and library works that are utilized to make equal projects for shared-memory PCs. It consolidates with C, C++ or Fortranto make a multithr eaded program where the strings share the location space and make simpler for software engineers to change over single-strung code to multithreaded. It has two key ideas in particular; Consecutive proportionality: Executes utilizing one string or numerous strings. Gradual parallelism: A programming that advances steadily from a successive program to an equal program. OpenMP has a preferred position in synchronization over hand-stringing where it utilizes more costly framework calls than present in OpenMP or the code productive forms of synchronization natives. As a mutual memory programming worldview, OpenMP is appropriate for parallelizing applications on concurrent multithreaded and multicore processors as detailed in [11]. It is an API (application program interface) utilized for expressly direct multi-strung, shared memory parallelism to normalize programming augmentations for shared memory machines is appeared in Figure 1. Figure1:Model for OpenMP Program utilizing stringing At top of the line, the microchips include forceful multithreading and multicore innovations to shape ground-breaking computational structure obstructs for the super PCs. The assessment utilizes point by point execution estimations and data from equipment execution counters to compositional bottlenecks of multithreading and multicore processors that prevent the versatility of OpenMPin which OpenMP usage can be improved to all the more likely help execution on multithreading processors. The string planning based model with portion and client space is appeared in Figure 2.OpenMP applications can productively abuse the execution settings of multithreading processors. The multi-stringing models are; Ace Slave model, Laborer Crew model and Pipeline model Figure 2:Multithreading processors utilizing Kernel and User space OpenMP Issues with Multithreading Approach OpenMP particular incorporates basic, nuclear, flush and boundary orders for synchronization purposes as appeared in Table 1. Table 1:OpenMP synchronization particular Impacts of OpenMP for Multithreading Process The impacts of OpenMP for multithreading process arelisted in Table 2. Table 2:Effects of OpenMP The multithreading is required an answer which is adaptable in various measurements and accomplish speedups. A productive equal program as a rule confines the quantity of strings to the quantity of physical centers that make an enormous number of simultaneous strings. It portrays the low-level Linux piece interface for strings and the projects are summoned by a fork framework call which makes a procedure and followed by an executive framework call and loads a program to begins execution. Strings commonly end by executing a leave framework call, which can slaughter one or all strings. Related Works Daniel, et al., [2010] introduced the gathering of coordinated projects to multi-strung OpenMP-based C programs and monitored activities which are an agreeable middle of the road language for simultaneous dialects. J. Brandt and K. Schneider [2009] introduced separate accumulation of coordinated projects. The objective deterministic single-strung code straightforwardly executes coordinated projects on basic small scale controllers. K. Schneider [2009] proposed the issue to produce multi-strung C-code from simultaneous watched activities, which is an agreeable middle of the road position for the assemblage of coordinated projects. PranavandSumit [2014] proposed the exhibitions (speedup) of equal calculations on multi-center framework utilizing OpenMP. C.D. Antonopoulos, et al., [2005] proposed multigrain equal delaunay work age and open doors for multithreaded structures. H. Jin, et al., [1999] proposed the OpenMP execution of NAS equal benchmarks and its exhibition. M. Lee, et al., [2004] introduced top execution of SPEC OMPL benchmarks utilizing most extreme strings exhibition and contrasted and a conventional SMP. Zaid, et al., [2014] introduced to executed the air pocket sort calculation utilizing multithreading (OpenMP) and tried on two standard informational indexes (text record) with various sizeF. Liu and V. Chaudhary [2003] introduced a framework on-chip (SOC) plan incorporates processors into one chip and OpenMP is chosen to manage the heterogeneity of CMP.M. Sato, et al., [1999] proposed the compiler is introduced to help OpenMP applications and GCC goes about as a backend compiler.T. Wang, et al., [2004] introduced the current level perspective on OpenMP strings can't mirror the new highlights and should be returned to guarantee proceeding applicability.Cristiano et al., [2008] proposed reproducible recreation of multi-strung outstanding tasks at hand for engineering structure exploration.Vijay Sundaresan, et al., [2006] proposed enco unters with multi-stringing and dynamic class stacking in a java without a moment to spare compiler. Priya, et al., [2014] proposed to think about and break down the equal processing capacity offered by OpenMP for Intel Cilk Plus and MPI(Message passing Interface). Sanjay and Kusum [2012] introduced to break down the equal calculations for processing the arrangement of thick arrangement of straight conditions and to roughly register the estimation of OpenMP interface. S.N. TirumalaRao [2010] centers around execution of memory mapped records on Multi-Core processors and investigated the capability of Multi-Core equipment under OpenMP API and POSIX strings. Unequivocal Multithreading Using Multithreads The Explicit multithreading is increasingly intricate contrasted with OpenMP and dynamic applications should be executed successfully in order to permit client control on execution. The express multithreading based multithreads with C coding are appeared in Figure 3. Figure3: Explicit multithreading based coding in C Booking for OpenMP OpenMP bolsters circle level booking that characterizes how circle cycles are allocated to each taking part string. The booking types are recorded in Table 3. Table 3: Scheduling Types Pseudo code: #pragma omp equal segments { #pragma omp segment do_clustering(0); #pragma omp segment do_clustering(1); #pragma omp segment do_clustering(2); #pragma omp segment do_clustering(3); #pragma omp segment do_clustering(4); } Advancing Execution Contexts on Multithreading Process The choice of the ideal number of execution settings for the execution of each OpenMP application isn't minor on multithread based multiprocessors. In this way, a presentation driven, versatile component which progressively initiates and deactivates the extra execution settings on multithreading processors to consequently inexact the execution time of the best static choice of execution settings per processor. It utilized a component than the comprehensive inquiry, which maintains a strategic distance from adjustments to the OpenMP compiler and runtime and recognizes whether the utilization of the second execution setting of every processor is advantageous for execution and adjusts the quantity of strings utilized for the execution of each equal area. The calculation targets recognizable proof of the best circle planning strategy which depends on the explanation of the start and end of equal locales with calls to runtime. The calls can be embedded naturally, by a basic preprocessor. The run-time connecting strategies, for example, dynamic intervention can be utilized to block the calls gave to the local OpenMP runtime at the limits of equal districts and apply dynamic adjustment even to un changed application parallels. It alters the semantics of the OpenMP strings condition variable,using it as a proposal for the quantity of processors to be utilized rather than the quantity of strings. Results and Discussion The test consequences of information looking with OpenMP devices (multithreading) and without OpenMP (no multithreading) devices are appeared in Figure 4and Figure 5 separately. In both the cases look time for information is assessed and built up OpenMP based execution which is quick contrasted with information looking through managed without OpenMP apparatuses. Figure 4:Search time with OpenMP (Multithreading) Figure5:Search time without OpenMP (No Multithreading) The level of improve
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Mpw1153 Moral Education Essay
Task 1: ETHICAL DECISION-MAKING We settle on decisions consistently. A portion of our decisions are down to earth choices about what will work best, look prettier, feel gentler, taste better, what to eat today or last more. Those choices don’t essentially include right or wrong; they include productivity, accessibility, common sense or inclination. For those decisions list your alternatives, assemble data about your decisions, list the advantages and disadvantages for every one, select the best choice and there you have it †a genuine choice. Then again a large number of our decisions are tied in with making the best choice. Every one of these decisions includes a large number of messages spinning inside the cerebrum. In a brief moment our psyches audit the realities, investigate our sentiments, study results, analyze the alternatives against our convictions and needs, consider what others may think, and give the prompt for activity. Choices occur so rapidly however the outcomes can endure forever. That’s why cautious thought is significant. A code of morals can help. It decides heading in our lives. Significant choice require some serious energy and should be think it cautiously cause what you do will influence the individuals around you. State, you are a CEO during the time spent settling a business organization which is fundamental for the endurance of your organization, and afterward you are dismayed to find ultimately that your forthcoming accomplice is associated with precise pay off of assessment authorities in one of the principle nations where you are planning to extend the market for your item. Insofar as no one realizes that you realize you caught a discussion in a lift, or coincidentally observed an email proposed for another person. You have the choice of deliberately ignoring. In the event that and when the degenerate practices are exposed, you can guarantee that the fleece was pulled over your eyes. At that point, your asset report will be looking more beneficial and you can stand to break with your accomplice and let them face the difficulty alone. There is no uncertainty that such a strategy is untrustworthy. In any case, in a genuine circumstance, the elective alternative may be a troublesome choice to take, particularly if there is a genuine threat that without this association your organization will leave business. Personal circumstance is a substantial thought. An organization isn't required to penance its inclinations and those of its investors for more prominent's benefit. In any case, the case we are presently portraying works out in a good way past authentic personal responsibility. The issue, obtusely, is one of shortcoming of will. You realize what you ought to do, yet are hesitant to take care of business. Also, the other circumstance, an oddity mishap happens at a compound production line with a formerly commendable wellbeing record, and a man kicks the bucket. An examination concerning the reasons for the mishap prescribes measures to forestall comparative mishaps occurring later on. Anyway these progressions would be restrictively costly to actualize. The CEO faces the decision of shutting down the plant with the loss of many employments, or permitting the plant to proceed with changes in technique which diminish the hazard yet don't dispense with it completely. We are solicited to decide the incentive from wiping out a little however noteworthy danger of injury or demise versus the benefit of proceeding to give business. An obstinate reaction is state that no worth, anyway extraordinary, can be put on a man’s life. In any case, if that rule were to be tried truly, every day life would come to a standstill. Regardless of whether just a single individual a year kicked the bucket in an auto crash, all private vehicle would be prohibited. In this way, while we offer empty talk to the conviction that a human life is incalculable, practically speaking choices are made which are conflicting with that conviction. A really troublesome moral choice, then again, is one where with the best will on the planet you don't have the foggiest idea what you ought to do. The issue here isn't with the will however with moral information. The insightful chief has the moral information that the impulsive or unpracticed leader needs. Absence of capacity in moral dynamic can be helped by proper preparing. As we will currently observe, nonetheless, skill in settling on moral choices is as yet insufficient. Once in a while we face moral choices which are troublesome, not on account of something we come up short on the necessary information or skill but instead in light of the fact that the idea of the circumstance which we are managing is with the end goal that no measure of ability would be adequate toâ determine the unparalleled ‘correct’ answer. This is the trademark highlight of a genuine moral problem.
Friday, August 21, 2020
Law School Essay Samples
Law School Essay SamplesThere are plenty of law essay samples on the Internet, but not all of them are legitimate. If you're thinking about writing an essay, then you'll want to make sure that the resources you use are good.Unfortunately, most people who get their law school essays written for them will end up with very poor, and sometimes even bad, law school essay examples. It's a sad fact of life that most law school students have little or no experience in writing essays. You really need to do some research into the various essay services online before you go ahead and get one.Of course, there are a few different law school essay samples available. Most of these are on-line, while others are hard copies from legal stores, including those that you might be able to find in your local library. Regardless of which sort of law school essay sample you choose, you should read through it carefully and make sure it's up to standard before you send it off to your school.Just remember that if you write a law school essay, then you are at an advantage when it comes to selling yourself and your abilities to a potential employer. If you go to school with a great LSAT score and a solid work ethic, then your future employer is going to see that and go 'oh, well that's just the way he is'. There's no need to make him feel guilty for feeling that way, because he's probably right. By being well prepared and having an interesting and well thought out essay, you will give him the impression that you're someone he can work with.Before you start writing your law school essay, you need to be absolutely sure that you're not going to find any copyright problems. Law essay samples can be found pretty easily, so it would be better to stick to the ones that are on-line, and not to spend a lot of time trying to find them elsewhere. Once you've got a great set of law school essay samples, you can begin to see your mind working.You will want to write about your goals and aspirations in li fe, and what you've accomplished along the way because your law school essay samples will be based around your own personal life story. By putting in the effort to write about your personal life, you'll be putting a great deal of your own personality into the piece. And, if you don't like how it turned out, then it's just as easy to cut and paste that section into your essay.Most students feel that you will be applying to law schools that do not specialize in criminal law, civil law, or other legal systems. However, if you want to write an essay that will benefit you and help your application, then you need to understand that you are not limited to this type of school. Many students who graduate with good scores go on to do law in a field other than criminal law, so there is no reason to think that all law schools accept only criminal law.There are so many different law school essay samples that you can use to prepare for your essays. By carefully reviewing these samples, and knowin g your strengths and weaknesses, you can easily turn your essay around with a little work.
Monday, May 25, 2020
Animal Assisted Intervention In Dementia - 1411 Words
The quasi-experimental study will be longitudinal and evaluative in nature, evaluating the effectiveness of AAI in persons with dementia over a span of three years. The researcher will seek to follow two hundred dementia patients over 65 over the course of three years, evaluating the impact of Animal-Assisted Intervention, in the form of fish aquariums, on their quality of life and mental state. Participants will be selected that are over 65 and have had a diagnosis of dementia for at least a year. Cluster sampling will be used to select patients from 10 Dallas Fort Worth area nursing homes or memory care facilities. Nursing homes and memory care facilities used in the study will be selected to represent a variety of socio-economic and†¦show more content†¦Additionally, even when animal-assisted therapy is done by volunteers, the required facility staff can make it a drain on resources. By comparison, beta fish and their small tanks are inexpensive and require little attenti on by staff. By assigning fish to individual participants, they are able to spend a lot of time in the presence of their fish and feel a sense of ownership and even companionship. Additionally, the researcher hopes that the responsibility of feeding their fish will foster a sense of autonomy and self-sufficiency for participants. Researchers will record the weight of all participants, and administer the geriatric depression scale (GDS) and the Mini mental state evaluation (MMSE) to all participants. These instruments will target three areas of quality of life as identified by the researcher: physical well-being, mood and mental health, and cognitive functioning. Data Collection Weight will be recorded at the beginning of the study for all participants and the mini mental state evaluation and geriatric depression scale will be administered for initial scoring. In the first year of the study, participants will be weighed and retake the GDS and MMSE every three months. In the last two years of the experiment patients will be weighed and complete the GDS and MMSE every four months. The geriatric depression scale (GDS), a 30 item inventory, has been proven to have high discriminantShow MoreRelatedThe Characteristics Of The Cognitive Disease1307 Words  | 6 Pagesdisease is, it can be very mild or very devastating. These types of diseases happen in the brain because that is where cognitive productivity takes place. Dementia is a cognitive disease that comes in many forms and is one of the most common forms of disease that accompanies Alzheimer’s. It is estimated that around half of those diagnosed with Dementia or Alzheimer’s are institutionalized. (Sellers, 2006). Most commonly it starts in the memory, and as time goes on it gradually deteriorates the cognitionRead MoreHumans Are Social And Emotional Beings1037 Words  | 5 Pages2015). The introduction of animals or pets can help prevent or manage depression symptoms and improve quality of life by fulfilling the social and emotional needs of a person. The reason for this is animal companionship offers non-human social support, enables interactions with other people, makes fearful events less stressful, and moderates the cardiovascular stress response (Friedmann, Thomas, Son, 2015). For these reasons, many long-term facilities offer animal companionship as part of theirRead MoreEssay On Alzheimers828 Words  | 4 Pagesand Caregivers Patients and caregivers who are suffering from Alzheimer’s are seeking ways to relieve their burden and improve their quality of life. An intervention which includes community resources such as, community support groups, adult day care, respite care services and nursing homes can be excellent resources to help people with dementia and enhancing caregiver coping skills; with the early diagnosis, the patients and families can gain benefits to these programs (BrightFocus, 2015). PharmaceuticalRead MoreCase Study Of Amat931 Words  | 4 Pagesvascular dementia for eight weeks, collecting data a total of three times. The evaluative study is a longitudinal single subject design. After three months the participant continued to show improvements in behavioral symptoms but was experiencing physical decline. While the single subject design and diagnosis of cancer in the participant lead to low validity, this study utilizes a wide range of instruments including the Cohen Mansfield Agitation Inventory (CMAI), Multi-Dimensional Dementia AssessmentRead MoreThe Effects Of Animal Assisted Therapy On The Well Being Of Residents At A Long Term Care1285 Words  | 6 Pages The Effects of â€Å"Animal-assisted Therapy†on the well-being of Residents at a Long-Term Care. 999735559 University of Toronto PSYB01 Professor Nagy July 20, 2015 This study was inspired by â€Å"Ace†the therapy dog Abstract The rationale for this study is developed through personal experience of the researcher at Baycrest and review of past and current research relating to this study. This study looks upon the effect of animal-assisted therapy (AAT) on the psychophysicalRead MoreGeriatrics : A Short Study1042 Words  | 5 PagesIn a pilot study conducted by Prosser and colleagues, researchers seek to evaluate if companion animals improve mood and quality of life in the growing aging population. The study followed participants for six weeks during after group interactions with therapy or companion animals. The study utilized a convenience sample of 16 females and 2 males at a nursing home. Though the sample is small and lacking in diversity, it is appropriate for a pilot study. This study utilizes the geriatric depressionRead MoreSensory Interventions Of Dementia Patients820 Words  | 4 Pages 1 Research Summary Table: Sensory Interventions in Dementia Patients Morgan Shippy (Students Name) Northwest Arkansas Community College NURS9108: Fundamentals of Nursing Summer 2016 (Term Year) 2 Research Summary Table: Sensory Interventions in Dementia Patients Author, Year of Publication Purpose Sample/ Number of Participants Design/LevelRead MoreAn Introductory Course Into Animal Assisted Therapy Essay1938 Words  | 8 Pagescourse into Animal Assisted Therapy, I have learned about the Human-Animal Bond, the history of AAT and AAA, the five freedoms, the differences between AAT and AAA, and the various populations in which this therapy responds greatly to. This paper gives a detailed and comprehensive overview of what I have learned from this course and my own perception of how I will incorporate things learned from this course into my everyday life and into my future career in AAT. The HAB, or the Human Animal Bond, isRead MoreThe Use Of Music And Singing On Young Adults Written By Eells ( 2014 )1649 Words  | 7 Pageshospitable activities as therapeutic nursing interventions for managing anxiety and other health problems in the increasing number of older adults. Eells (2014) started writing the article by going through online literature using searches of Cumulative Index of Nursing and Allied Health Literature (CINAHL), Medline and PsyARTICLES databases. Eells (2014) considered three themes in her analyses with a view to understanding how using music/singing as nursing intervention reduces anxiety symptoms, increasesRead MoreAnimals Have Been Used For Animal Therapy From Early As1873 Words  | 8 PagesAnimals have been used for animal therapy from early as the 18th century (Chu et al., 2009). Animals have been shown to aid in lowering stress, feelings of isolation and depression. Studies have shown that different types of animal therapy can be helpful with a range of mental illnesses, from schizophrenia to anxiety to dementia. There are many ways that animals can be implemented into different forms of therapy. There are uses for animals in psychological and physical therapy. Each of these present
Thursday, May 14, 2020
Ethnic Conflicts Iran Ethnic Conflict - 1601 Words
Iran Ethnic Conflicts 1 Iran Ethnic Conflicts Ehsan Rahmanian Professor Tariq Amin-Khan Nov 27 2015 Iran Ethnic Conflicts 2 Persians are Iran s biggest ethnic group, however almost twelve different ethnicities represent well over 33% of the seventy nine million population. The biggest ethnic groups, which are main considerations for Iranian governmental issues are Azeris, Turkish, Kurds, Arabs, Baluchis, Armenians, Lors, and Turkomen. Other smaller ethnic groups are Qashqai, Mazandarani, Talysh and Gilaki. They hold many of the seats in the current parliament. Ethnic minorities are a delicate political issue, which is one reason precise numbers in legislative issues and the military are not effortlessly†¦show more content†¦A quarter to a third of the population of Tehran comprises of migrants of Azerbaijani inception and their first or second era relatives. The Azerbaijani minority s impression of the central government in Tehran and of Persians as the dominant ethnic group in Iran are straightforwardly identified with their own verifiable experience of conjunction with the Persians. Phonetic an d religious affiliations and their advancement inside of the Iranian setting assume an especially essential part here. The Azerbaijanis of Iran speak a Turkic dialect which is a piece of the Oghuz dialect group. Apart from a rather large number of lexical borrowings from Persian and Arabic, their dialect is indistinguishable to the dialect of the supposed Northern (Soviet or Caucasian) Azerbaijanis. It is similar to the dialect spoken in Turkey. The two dialects Azerbaijani and Anatolian Turkish are commonly intelligible. The dialects are normally spoken among Azerbaijanis occupying northwestern Iran, however Azerbaijani Turkish is banned at all levels in the country-inconsistent with Iran s constitution. The boycott occurs in all levels of the educational system and applies to direction in the Turkish dialect, as well as to teaching that dialect as a subject. Consequently, for instance, at the University of Tabriz, where seven different dialects are taught, the local dialect of the larger part of understudies may not be taught (Aweworthy, 2008). Most of Azerbaijanis,Show MoreRelatedThe Dual Legacies Of Discrimination Against Ethnic Minorities And The Country s Uneven Economic Development1301 Words  | 6 Pagesmovement. The dual legacies of discrimination against ethnic minorities and the country’s uneven economic development have created strong support in non-Persian areas for political reform. During recent presidential elections, the non-Persian electorate tilted heavily toward the reformist wing. Support for democratic political change among Iran’s ethnic minorities is likely to persist so long as the country’s periphery remains an economic backwater. Although the Iranian economy has been growing,Read MoreThe Conflict Of The Independent Republic Of Azerbaijan1471 Words  | 6 Pagescenturies-long loyalty to the Iranian state and territorial integrity, Azeris are also likely to work within the current political system to address their grievances. Although the emergence of the independent Republi c of Azerbaijan has been a source of Azeri ethnic pride, it has not generated popular support from the Iranian Azeri community to join Azerbaijan. While many Azeris admit to maintaining cultural bonds with their brethren in the Republic of Azerbaijan, such ties do not translate into aspirations toRead MoreIran As A Case Of Iran1332 Words  | 6 PagesIran as a case Iran is a controversial country that has complicated issues with the international community regarding its own nuclear program. Obviously, Iran is an Islamic country that has strict rules, and low level of freedom. 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The consequence of the war cost billions of dollars and millions of lives. The result of the war, although stalemate would be a critical factor that would shape the future of the Middle East. The historical deep-rooted hostile relationship that emanated from the ethnic Arab-Persian and religious Sunni- Shi’ite tensions between the two neighbouring countries contributed to the conditionsRead MoreAnalysis Of Albert Camus The Plague Essay1395 Words  | 6 Pagesthan ever, this quote is relevant in the context of Afghanistan, a country in the crossroads between South and Central Asia, country mired in conflict of varying intensity since 1979. In the history of Afghanistan, a state, in order to be deemed as legitimate, had to satisfy three preconditions. Firstly, it had to be a broker between clans, tribes and ethnic groups. Secondly it had to deliver basic security and ensure secure access to public services and infrastructure. Lastly, it had to embody theRead MoreThe Sunni Shia And Arab Israeli Conflict1028 Words  | 5 PagesLeslie Orozco Professor Petrovic International Conflict 17 May 2016 The Sunni-Shia and Arab-Israeli Conflict Throughout the course, various religious and ethnic violent conflicts have been discussed. Two of the most important and most present in current times is the Sunni-Shia and the Arab-Israeli conflicts. Although both conflicts are still very relevant today, the structural and triggering conditions that contributed to the conflict began many years ago and since then have escalated to the pointRead MoreThe World Has Advanced Over The Centuries. To Ensure Progression1749 Words  | 7 Pagesgrowth, society must embrace organizations which support improving the quality of human life. The United Nations is one such organization that has ensured the well-being of the human race by collaborating internationally on how to tactically approach conflicts. From combating terrorism to eradicating smallpox, the United Nations has resolved numerous foreign issues and international crises. The creation of the United Nations continues to be critical because the organization is a fundamental necessit y forRead MoreWestern Culture And Policies That Have Shaped The Modern World1523 Words  | 7 Pagesinvented to serve Western imperialism. These conflicts come about from two key factors, the dimension of ethnic identity and the dimension of cultural/religious identity. Ethnic identity can be defined as a group of people conceiving themselves as a race, community or society. Generally, ethnicity is based on a vertical emotional border. This emotional boundary can create a barrier against co-existence and give rise to potential conflict with other ethnic groups all the time. This general definitionRead MoreEssay on Turkeys Internal Conflict and the Kurdish Minority995 Words  | 4 PagesTurkeys Internal Conflict and the Kurdish Minority Turkeys key internal conflict centers on the role of its large Kurdish minority, ethnically and linguistically distinct, in a state that constitutionally consists of Turks. This issue has been with Turkey almost since the foundation of the Turkish State in 1923. The Kurds were promised the creation of an independent state as part of the treaty of Sevres in 1920 but this part of the treaty was never ratified and Turkey has refused to recognize
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Introduction Of Online Restaurant Website - 1073 Words
1. Introduction to Online Restaurant Website Abstract Online Restaurant Website†is considered as an increasingly used application in restaurant management. Just a few years ago, people used to spend long time waiting for a table to be ready for them at a restaurant. And after that, they would wait longer time to order their food. There was no surprise that the food took too long to be prepared. In short, the whole enjoyment of eating did eventually result in boredom and tiredness for customers. From another side, this is the restaurant management and staff who used to stand much pressure to handle a lot of customers at the same time. With great technology in general and the internet in specific, customers can be happy by using online food ordering and reservation. This facilitates the work of restaurant managers and staff. The system will make the entire process for the restaurant manager much easier and faster compared with traditional methods. On the other hand, these days’ customers can place their orders and make their reservations as quickly and enjoyably as a click on their computers or smart devices. All in all, both customer and menu information management as well as report are the very wonderful aspects of the modern world in restaurant industry. Technically, Prototyping Model is what is applied in Online Website. Adobe Fireworks, Visual Studio 2013, SQL Management Studio, and Microsoft Office software’s are used to develop the project. This project can beShow MoreRelatedJust Eat Is An Internet Company744 Words  | 3 PagesIntroduction Summary Just Eat is an Internet company offering online food ordering and delivery service. Firstly launched in Denmark in 2001, it was doing takeaway service by simply presenting the menu to the customers, then pass the order to restaurants and delivery to customer’s door. It was the year of 2008 when Just Eat really took a leap by moving its headquarter to London. Since that, it opened branches in 13 countries including Canada in 2009. It received abundant private investment andRead MoreThe Impact of Social Media on Consumer Purchasing Decision1287 Words  | 6 Pagesprocess for the following types of purchase decisions. * Buying tickets for a music show (5) * Deciding to invest money in a restaurant chain (5) * Purchasing insurance for your car (5) * Buying shoes for yourself (5) You may find it helpful to visit some websites for the afore-mentioned products. [20 marks] Introduction The advent of internet has brought more convenience to the time starved modern day consumers. This assignment will dwell on informationRead MoreImpact of Advanced Technology on Customers1604 Words  | 6 Pagesconsumers and the managers of the restaurant understood that its integration is the sole means to ensuring long terms success. 2. 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Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Buddha Vs Aristotle Essay Paper Example For Students
Buddha Vs Aristotle Essay Paper Born in the year of 384 B.C. Aristotle was seen as conventional for histime, for he regarded slavery as a natural course of nature and believed thatcertain people were born to be slaves due to the fact that their soul lacked therational part that should rule in a human being; However in certaincircumstances it is evident that Aristotle did not believe that all men who wereslaves were meant to be slaves. In his book Politics, Aristotle begins with the Theory of The Household,and it is here that the majority of his views upon slavery are found. With thebeginning of Chapter IV, Aristotles idea of slavery is clearly defined. Theinstruments of the household form its stock of property : they are animate andinanimate : the slave is an animate instrument, intended (like all theinstruments of the household) for action, and not for productions. Thisdistinction between action and production, is based upon the understanding thatproduction is a course in which a result is desired beyond the immediate actof doing. Where as, the simple act of completing a task is identified asaction. Aristotle, who believed that life was action and not productiontheorized that slaves were instruments of life and were therefore needed to forma complete household. In fact Aristotle went as far as to say that a slave wascomparable to a tame animal, with their only divergence in the fact that a slavecould apprehend re ason. For he concluded that a slave and animals only use wasto supply their owners with bodily help. At the end of the Theories of the Household, Aristotle explains howslaves are different from andy other types of people, in the sence that they arethe only class who are born into their occupation and become property of theirmasters. In examining this relationship we find that he thought that whilemasters were the masters of the slaves, they still held a life other than thatof being master; However, Aristotle believed that not only was the slave aslave to his master, but the slave had no other life or purpose than belonging. From this consideration we begin to understand Aristotles views on therelationship between Master and Slave. At the beginning of Chapter V of the Theory of the Household, thedistinct role of master and slave is defined. There is a principle of rule and subordin-action in nature at large : it appearsespecially in the realm of animate creation. By virtue of that principle, the soul rulesthe body; and by virtue of it the master, who possesses the rational faculty of the soul,rules the slave, who possesses only bodilypowers and the faculty of understanding thedirections given by anothers reason. It was Aristotles views on the human soul that gave grounds to hisarguments for slavery. It was his beliefs that the soul was divided into twoparts, being the rational faculty and the capacity for obeying. Aristotlepostulated that a freeman was innately born with the rational faculty while Aslave is entirely without the faculty of deliberation. And with his views hefelt as though it was necessary for there to be a natural ruling order, whereas,the body was ruled by the soul, and those with the natural rational facultywithin their soul should rule others without. This relationship, Aristotlefound to be an essential element in his idea of master and slave being two partsforming one common entity. It was his belief that a mans body was the representation of his innerself and that it was natures intentions to distinguish between those who wereborn to be freemen and those born to be slaves. However, we see that Aristotlehave somewhat reservations upon his beliefs that all slaves corresponded to hismold. With such quotes as But with nature , though she intends, does notalways succeed in achieving a clear distinction between men born to be mastersand men born to be slaves. we begin to see that Aristotle was not asconservative as believed. In fact, we start to understand the left-wingattitudes that Aristotle held. At the end of Chapter V of the Theories of theHousehold, Aristotle concludes The contrary of natures intentions, however,often happens: there are some slaves who have the bodies of freemen-as thereare others who have a freemans soul.Aristotle in his Theories of the Household, allocates a full section(section 9 chapter VI), to the explanation of the relationship
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